Friday, June 13, 2014

I too have a Checklist till I meet you!#Checklist

Its every girls dream to meet the man ,her ideal ,perfect man.
I too like every other girl out there grew up with that idea.I too believed in Cindrella's fairytale and how her prince charming rescues her and searches for  her,just on the basis of One DANCE! Ultimate and so inspiring.
Cindrella's fairtytale always motivated me so did the Snow white and Seven dwarfs.
Slowly and gradually I too pictured about my Prince,but how to segregrate.Hence I put a filter and then the whole idea of checklist originated.
Inspirations : All the Nicholas sparks novel,Not to Forget Mills and Boons.( I still read them)

Btw I didnot have a  long checklist , just basics that ought to be present in my Man..Infact any Man for a girl to devote  her entire life loving him and caring for him,raising his children and cooking for his family.Its a two way street after all
We girls are indeed the princesses,we have to kiss so many frogs to find a prince.Oops I am not here mentioning the exact count of how many checklist frogs I kissed but lets do a quick recap of my CHECK List!

# 0 Engineers please excuse.No to Geeks and Nerds! :)
#1 Fashion Sense-He should have a tuxedo and a distinct wardrobe,keen interest in fashion and loves wearing  cuff links.
#2 Spontaneous - Anything and everything random.Lives Life as it comes.Showers me with affection( importantly flowers) and surprises me .
Long drives without any plan or perhaps a weekend trip just after Friday dinner.
#3 Same taste in food- Yes that is a must,in fact same choice ! prevents from ordering too much if out on a date .I am economical that way
#4 Avid Book reader - Again same taste,we should have same favorite author...Big turn on
#5 Plays a sexy musical instrument - Guitar player,sexy voice would be a plus.Keen interest in Music.
Prefers live concerts and who will make sure to take me out each time.Keep my weekends engaged
# 6 Sports /Outdoor Person - At least have been a state level player in his high school days or even school level.multiple hobbies
#7 Writer - He should be able to write,preferably love letters to me
#8 Good Looking - Perfect Partners do not over shadow each other..average height ,charming looks ,pleasing personality would be just perfect..5"11" above please excuse.
#9 Traveller - Takes me on exotic vacations on whim...Do not thinks twice
# 10 PDA and Great Makeup Sex - Yes,a public fight and later a great make up sex..Public display of affection is the best part and holding my hand everywhere just perfect!
# 11 Social worker - Must have been involved with an NGO over some period of time
# 12 Extrovert - All in all a people's Person.A good conversation Starter
# 13 Foodie - Knows the best places to take me out for dinner and suggests me what to eat and also loves experimenting
# 14 Sense of humour -  Witty and good with one liners.Must know how to use a  great pickup line..
# 15 Popular - After all these great qualities he is sure to be popular with opposite sex and same sex indeed :) # Caring,Sweet,A Great Dancer

This list is edited,I cannot shorten it any more.I tried but then 27 years of compilation of the Must have's Criteria in the Man,My kind of Man cannot be just reduced :(

So ever since the search for even a perfect 10 out of 15 continued..
Fact remains I somehow found guys that had 3 out of 15,perhaps even 8 out of 15.

A sincere apology to all those people whom I have hurt in my search for perfection.I was a headless chicken trying to fit in the idea of perfection with the idea of love
But the truth is Love when it happens does not gives you a chance to check your checklist
Also when it happens ,it happens and there is no reason.
It happened to me out of the blue.
When you expect the least you get it,unusual circumstances,inappropriate timing but the truth is the feeling is exhilarating,liberating and your heart indeed sings a song 
Love is a miracle,a powerful ,sensational ,emotional drug.It does not comes easily to girls like us.We are too biased.I was too closed and too pig headed to have actually been able to appreciate affection and admiration from people around me.Its a process called Life where Learning comes.It came to me.Few months have been a eye opener.
All I can say "Happy Realisation"!
I hope I am not that late...Love is Toxic.
I sincerely hope the only one person I love,truly,deeply,madly,unconditionally loves me back........
Part of My checklist ...

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