Friday, January 27, 2012

A Difference,A change

What just starts as a passion turns out to be desire.A strong desire to value add,to be of value add to someone else's life,and they are not just anybody .They are those children ,the urchins whom we see daily playing over the side of roads,struggling for survival and still having that light in the eyes,still having a dream,yes they do have a dream to fly planes,to be a doctor,to be a driver or to be a hero like the one they see in the banners.They also sing song and chase birds,they also play and fight but the only difference is that while they are like every other children around us ,they still are not sure what they are going to eat or whether they are going to eat.
Yes A nation like ours where we talk of equality ,We talk of freedom,We talk of Democracy ,and Republic,Yes India celebrated  its 63rd Republic yesterday and there was lots of celebrations around the world amidst Indians and India loving people.

But what I meant to say that Why are these children deprived of their basic rights,their basic right to live.I donot believe in materialistic pampering of every kid but atleast the bare minimum nutrition,the primary education and yes right to live their life as children.
How many children are forced to bonded labour,forced in prostitution,forced into beggary..Countless.There are no exact stastics available.

Each day While from home to Work I cross such a huge gathering of children excitedly picking up rags,yes they are the rag pickers.I asked them Didn't they go to school? Yes we wanted to but if we go who will earn? Came the quick reply and that too very astute! Yes I was not surprised...
I always believed that there are no problems but only solutions.So what would be the Solution to this.....?

When I was in gurgaon,I was associated with a project called Prerna

-Even Till date I am very closely attached to the progress and all happening at their front but After relocation to Mumbai,Active Participation is not possible.What I realised from the interaction with the kids their that merely a primary education ,enrollment in schools are not sufficient,I agree basic education is mandate but what is more important is that they become self sufficient enough to atleast have a proper meal,for that they need to earn and yes being borm below poverty line certainly doesnt entitle you the lavishness like the life of those children who just had to concentrate on education rest taken care of,No! These children have to survive...They need skills which enables them to earn and fend for themselves and yes accompanied with  the education.
Alphabets are their best friends they need to realize but what is more important for them is Need to survive,and that could only be fulfilled if they get to eat and live .
Thats where The "I" in me struggles ,struggles to create an environment of change where these kids could have one right ,One Right to Live .I remember my childhood fondly and How I wish for other kids like them to have that childhood returned back to them......

There is a desire to bring about a difference but still juggling ,struggling from the mad rat race syndrome ......I am desperate to chase my dreams where I never have to see a child sleeping without eating ,crying for food ,deprived of the basic right to Live,deprived of the right to be human......I still struggle and the Journey is yet to begin in that right direction...
After all "Childhood is the world of miracle or of magic: it is as if creation rose luminously out of the night, all new and fresh and astonishing. Childhood is over the moment things are no longer astonishing. When the world gives you a feeling of "déjà vu," when you are used to existence, you become an adult."